For Emerging Creatives who want to keep their practice a priority

"You tend to drift whilst being self-employed and creative. Coaching grounded me.
Thank you Alex!

Abigail Reed, Artist, Jamaica Street Artists

Stag by Abigail Reed, Artist

Stag Gazing, oil on canvas, 60x60cm, 2012, image courtesy of Abigail Reed,

Read on to find out how you can benefit and start working in your ideal creative direction. Contact me today for a conversation or to book your free Creative Consultation. You can discuss your requirements by emailing me or calling on: +44 (0)117 2305096

Work with Alex

Alex Moate, Life Coach

Creative coaching is a brilliant tool. It enables you to decide what you want from your creative life and how you are going to achieve it.

Creative Coaching sessions with me can enable you to achieve all of these things and move you forward to realise long lasting outcomes.

Please get in touch to book your free creative consultation.

Do you have?
  • A lack of confidence and self-belief in your creativity?
  • A fear that your work won’t be good enough?
  • Great ideas, but are unable to find the time to make them happen?
  • Plans for a solo show or to submit a manuscript?
  • A lack of structure in your creative day?
  • Blockages to engagement?
Would you like?
  • Greater self-belief in your abilities as an artist?
  • More direction, focus and clarity within your work?
  • To increase your confidence when talking about your work?
  • To balance your work, family and creative interests?
  • To allow yourself time to create?
  • To be inspired and motivated again?
  • To evaluate the business side of being a creative?

Jon Dixon

"Alex has given me much needed focus and has strengthened my confidence in my artistic abilities. I am now ready to say I’M AN ARTIST!"

Jon Dixon

Coaching Programmes


Coaching is an exciting and dynamic partnership between me the coach and you the client in which I enable you to realise and achieve your goals, whilst giving you the accountability and structure in which to work towards these outcomes, far quicker than if you were working on your own. Clients achieve greater clarity, resourcefulness, success and balance within their creative lives by working with me.

The coaching process focuses on outcomes and results whilst providing a fantastic tool for building greater confidence, enabling you to create more happily and effectively. It includes looking at 'limiting beliefs' – ideas about ourselves and our work that hold us back and that we may have had for a long time – and gives us the tools to break these down and establish new beliefs.

Having been a practising artist myself and with writers and artists among my family and friends, I see first-hand the specific challenges they face in terms of time constraints, family life, and making a living. I can also see the dynamic and positive effect coaching has in enabling a creative person to establish their goals within the artistic process and in its delivery, whether it be working towards an exhibition, submitting a proposal or completing a manuscript.

Kiyarn Taghan, Comic Book Writer

"Alex has given me a strong confidence in the field of writing for comic books with targets and goals that I would have never initially set myself."

Kiyarn Taghan, Comic Book Writer,

Taking your Creative Career to the next stage

  • During your programme with New Creations Coaching you will look at the structure of how and when you create. You will be encouraged to develop a creative habit, which will allow you to build creativity into your everyday life, giving a balance between your other commitments while keeping your work a priority.
  • We will look at increasing your confidence as you take your work to a wider audience. We will also talk about the thoughts and beliefs that currently underpin how and why you do the work you do and we will look at replacing any limiting beliefs with ones that will assist you, as you take your plans and work forward.
  • We will also look at your individual creative process- how you work, your beliefs and ideals and the stories behind the work that you create. This can then become the basis of how you talk about your work and yourself as you take your work to galleries, write proposals and speak to the press and public.

Silver Option
  • 4 x 45 minute sessions for £140
  • 6 x 45 minute sessions for £180
Gold Option
  • 4 x 60 minute sessions for £184
  • 6 x 60 minute sessions for £240

All programmes can be paid for in instalments.

Solly Solomon, Painter,

"Our sessions have enabled me to explore, challenge and ultimately let go of many negative beliefs, which have been holding me back and preventing me from having the courage to pursue my ambitions."

Solly Solomon, Painter,

Programme options to challenge, motivate and inspire your client group

  • Talks and workshops around developing your creative practice.
  • A consultation afternoon, that can take place at your organisation, where students/ employees can book a time to talk about an area of their creative work and future practice. A great opportunity to generate ideas and create goals that can see them succeed with their plans.
  • 1 to 1 sessions for students that are facing blockages at some point in their creative practice. These students can be referred by a tutor, with specific areas that they would like their student to be looking at. For example preparing for their final year degree show, developing a strong portfolio, time management and accountability.
  • Sessions tailored for students that are nearing the end of their studies, looking at areas such as: keeping up their creative practice when they leave, beliefs and confidence within their work and their identity as an artist, continuing to develop their creative voice and establishing networks.
  • Email contact for each student after their consultation and a session write up, which can be used for personal development folders and as a reference point for students.

Organisations that New Creations Coaching is pleased to have worked with include:

"My session with Alex was most useful, and helped me to develop the confidence and focus to explore where I want to take my work in future months.  I now have some exciting targets for the next year."

Carrie Pooler, Artist,

Contact Alex for more information.

Your Programme Options

  • 4 coaching sessions of 1 hour duration
  • 4 coaching sessions of 45 minutes duration
  • 6 coaching sessions of 1 hour duration
  • 6 coaching sessions of 45 minutes duration

skype logo Your session can take place over the phone, via Skype or face to face and can be 45 minutes or an hour in length. The flexibility of telephone coaching means that I can work with you whether you are in the UK or abroad. Your sessions start by being held either weekly or fortnightly and can then move to monthly, all at times to suit your individual requirements.

I offer a free Creative Consultation, where we can talk about what you would like to achieve from your sessions and all programmes include unlimited email support.

Each programme is a fantastic investment in your long term goals, aims and quality of life.

For organisations please contact me to talk about what you would like and to find out how I can work with you to create a tailor made programme that will most benefit your organisation and the people you work with.

If you have any questions or would like your free consultation please get in touch, it would be great to speak with you.

Ashley Loxton,"Alex played a key part in organising my creative practice one step at a time. Her coaching massively improved my confidence, and kept me grounded. It has been hugely successful."
Ashley Loxton,

Contact Alex for more information.

About Alex

Alex Moate, Life Coach
Portrait by Paul Williams, Arts Emergency

I love to see the dynamic and positive effect coaching has in enabling a creative to establish their goals within the artistic process and in its delivery, whether it be working towards an exhibition, submitting a proposal or completing a manuscript. I am based in Bristol and am reachable from wherever you are.

  • I am a fully accredited Coach and an associate member of The Association for Coaching
  • I have extensive experience of working with Creatives, including painters, illustrators, designers, writers and performers
  • I hold a degree in Fine Art, have worked with Creatives in the UK and abroad, including sourcing artwork in China, using art as therapy for people with disabilities and as a practising artist myself.
Contact Alex for more information.

Contact Alex Moate, LCH Dip, AMAC

To book your free creative consultation or to get in touch please phone +44 (0)117 2305096, or email , or submit the form below.

* Denotes Required Field
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  • Eg: "0117 2305096"
  • Prove you're human:


"Alex has given me much needed focus and has strengthened my confidence in my artistic abilities. I am now ready to say I’M AN ARTIST! "
Jon Dixon

"Alex has encouraged me to think about what my goals are and helped me work out what needs to be done and more importantly for me, when I need to do it.
She has helped me to actually do the things that have been on my to do list for the last year. 
Lisa Norman , Stained Glass Artist

"My Sessions with Alex have kick started my creative thinking processes.  She has enabled me to set targets and prioritise creative time, which have led to some really enjoyable times of creativity.  She continues to challenge my thought processes, that in the past have led to blocks in my ability to even begin work in my studio. 
She is both professional and approachable and very good at getting me to set and achieve targets!  The time has been valuable to me and I won't look back!
Thank you.
Robyn, Artist

"Alex helped me massively through her coaching sessions. I have a lot of deadlines, meetings and responsibilities in being a self-employed Artist and having 2 children. There didn't seem to be enough hours in the day, days in the week to commit to them all. I had a tendency to panic and worry about it but not actually activate and utilise the time I had. Alex helped me to prioritise by using simple methods like writing everything in my diary and not forgetting the small things, which can sometimes play on your mind at 3am!
After only a few sessions I had noticed the difference. She helped me to clarify things and invested confidence in my abilities to manage my work and family life. Your drifting whilst being self-employed and creative. Coaching grounded me.
Thank you Alex!
Abigail Reed , Artist

"I am so pleased to have had you as my Coach.
With your help and guidance, I have tackled some things I have wanted to change in myself but not know if change was possible and/ or how I could start such changes. You have helped me realise that change is possible and then helped me to put them into action.
You have been professional, non-judgemental and encouraging.
Katie, Furniture Designer

"As a busy working mum, Alex's guidance has been invaluable in making everyday life better - not only for me, but for the whole family. After only a handful of coaching sessions, I now stick to a regular fitness schedule, spend much-needed quality time with my partner and make sure I fit in time doing some of the things I love, but never managed to get round to doing before! Her infectious enthusiasm and inspired and thoughtful coaching has made a positive and lasting impact on how I live my life... thanks, Alex!"
Maggie, Writer

"I have been having Alex as my coach now for the last couple of months, and she has really helped me to prioritise my life. I have a busy life so being able to set goals and priorities is great. I have a come a long way! I would recommend her to anyone who is struggling to sort their lives out - she is professional, kind, sincere and get results!"
Emily, Musician

"My coaching sessions with Alex not only helped me to focus my thoughts but to activate them! They gave me enthusiasm and belief. Thank you Alex!"
Anne, Craftsperson, UK

"As someone who does not accept advice easily, I found the sessions with Alex truly insightful. Alex has a calm and considered approach, which guides you towards your own personal aims. Having 2 small children and a busy life it is easy to forget what really matters to you. I look forward to my sessions with Alex. We agree on clear tasks I have to do before the next session and I feel the weight lifting from my shoulders by the end of each session."
Lynsey, Primary School Teacher

"Just to say a big thank you for all your efforts to encourage me in achieving new things. I did enjoy the experience and will endeavour to continue with what has been started. You were brilliant in the way you helped me to focus on little things that can be worked on. I wish you every success and look forward to seeing you soon."
Maureen, PA

"Alex is very professional in her coaching approach.  She has great listening skills.  With her coaching support, I have been able to vocalise barriers to tasks that I have set up in my own mind without realising.  This supportive exploratory approach has produced results for me in making changes and thinking differently about using my time.  She was also really helpful in navigating through my maze of thoughts and ideas, asking questions that enabled me to prioritize my needs."
Jo, Musician

"The coaching sessions I have received from Alex were exactly what I needed. She is really supportive and helps you to set small challenges which help you to get back on track. My confidence has been restored. I feel excited about where my work is going and my future as an artist."
Tony Hines, Portrait Artist,

Contact Alex for more information.